It might come as no surprise, but getting organized is one of the top five New Year’s resolutions many individuals make. It goes right next to other resolutions like losing weight, living life to the fullest, and even saving money. Organization has become a popular resolution because there is value in feeling like you have order in your life.
During the holiday season, take a week to reflect on the past year and what you can do now to set yourself up for organizational success in the new year. Being organized looks different for many people. Think about what that means to you and what your goals are in order to become organized this year.
Get organized in the new year using the following ideas listed below. As a professional organizer, I’ve curated this special list of easy ways to organize your home in preparation for the new year. As much as 97% of New Year’s resolutions fall by the wayside. Don’t let that be you this year.
6 Ways to Get Organized in the New Year
The following ideas on how to get organized in the new year will help you get started with keeping an organized home. The trick to the organization process is to create systems that will help you stay organized all year long.
Write Down Your Goals
The first step to how to get organized in the new year is to write down your goals. Consider any parts of the home you want to tackle first, ask yourself what your reason is to get organized, and remind yourself how you will feel afterward.
Make a Plan
Once you know where to start in your organization process, then it will be time to take action. Having a goal without a plan is just a wish. Start planning out how you are going to accomplish the parts of your house that you have on your list. Give yourself a timeline so that you stay motivated and accountable for getting it done.
Write down on sticky notes or on a whiteboard the order that you will tackle your tasks. This gives you a visual representation of what your plan is and it will help keep you on track.
Set a Schedule
When you go to your calendar and review the appointments and commitments you have for the coming weeks, think about where you can fit in some organization time. Not all of your home will be organized in one day. It is important to start small so that you don’t get burnt out too quickly or lose motivation.
Even if you only have five extra minutes in the morning before leaving for work, use those five minutes to clear off the counters or put away laundry. Five minutes can go a long way in getting your house organized.
Pencil in the time onto your calendar so that you don’t miss out on your tasks and you increase your chances of making these tasks habitual. Stack these habits into your morning and evening routine, and it will be easier to stay on top of your home and keep it organized throughout the year.
Get an Accountability Partner
Make a plan with a family member or friend to hold you accountable for your New Year’s resolutions. You are more likely to stick to a new routine if you have someone who can check in with you and help you stay the course. Ask them to check in with you weekly or even daily depending on how much accountability you think you might need.
In addition, your accountability partner may be inspired to join you and get their home organized. Keep each other accountable and enjoy the journey as you both work your way to meeting your goals.
Make it Fun
Make the organization process fun. There is nothing like dreading the process and then having a sour mood when it is time to do it. This just makes you want to give up right away. Make it fun by including your family or friends to come to help you. It can be an organizing party.
You can also choose to do the process by yourself if you feel it will be most helpful to you. Put on some music, listen to an audiobook, or turn on your favorite podcast while you work. Time really flies when you are having fun. Don’t forget to have fun when you are organizing.
Reward Yourself
New Year’s resolutions are meant to be celebrated when you complete them. While some of them could take the whole year to complete, it is still important to reward yourself when you complete them.
This could be as simple as taking yourself out to dinner or enjoying a nice bubble bath at home. Whatever makes you happy and feel rewarded, use it as an incentive to stay on plan to get organized in the new year.
Make Your New Year’s Resolution About Getting Organized
Getting organized is a great feeling. When you walk into your home and see everything is in its place, it brings an overwhelming sense of peace and calm. In fact, having an organized home has been shown to help with mental health. Make the New Year’s resolutions you set for yourself this year rewarding in many ways.
Maybe this year you hire a professional organizer in January to create systems to keep you organized all year long. If this is something that interests you, let’s get started with a free consultation. Your journey to be happy, healthy, and organized is a short phone call away.
New Year’s resolutions are much more than goals; they are life-changing decisions you make each day to improve your life. Get organized this new year and create a path to a better life.